
To use the CLI, install with the extra cli (e.g. pip install callsignlookuptools[cli]) or otherwise install the library typer[all].

callsignlookuptools has a basic CLI interface, which can be run using:

$ python3 -m callsignlookuptools

It can be used with the following arguments:

$ python3 -m callsignlookuptools --help
Usage: python -m callsignlookuptools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A QRZ, Callook, HamQTH, and QRZCQ API interface in Python with sync and async support.

  -v, --version  Show the version of this program and exit.
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  callook  Use Callook to look up a callsign
  hamqth   Use HamQTH to look up a callsign
  qrz      Use QRZ to look up a callsign
  qrzcq    Use QRZCQ to look up a callsign

Each lookup source is a subcommand, and any source-specific options can be viewed by using the -h or --help argument on that subcommand.

For example, the QRZ lookup source has the following options:

$ python3 -m callsignlookuptools qrz --help
Usage: python -m callsignlookuptools qrz [OPTIONS] CALL

  Use QRZ to look up a callsign

  Requires a QRZ account and an XML Logbook Data or QRZ Premium subscription

  -u, --user, --username TEXT  QRZ username (will be prompted if not provided)  [required]
  -p, --pass, --password TEXT  QRZ password (will be prompted if not provided)  [required]
  CALL                         The callsign to look up  [required]
  -h, --help                   Show this message and exit.

An example invocation that looks up W1XYZ on QRZ, where the username is provided, and the password will be prompted for:

$ python3 -m callsignlookuptools qrz --username w1aw W1XYZ